Mike Lue

This is https://gh.mikelue.guru/, please visit the site to gather detail of my career and lastest update.

My Email Address: mike.lue0627@msa.hinet.net

Some documentations I wrote in my work can be found at mikelue/mikelue.github.io.

My GitHub: @mikelue, side projects:


Some experiences I’ve faced

Software development:

Data design:



Stuffs affect my design principles

From nowhere:

From The Art of SQL, 978-0596008949:

Other books:


Senior Architect/Senior Programmer(backend)

Responsible for:

What I did:

What I brought:


Senior Architect/Senior Programmer(backend)

重量科技股份有公司 KryptoGo Inc.
Aug 2020 ~ Aug 2021(1 year)

Responsible for Product: KYC(Know You Client), CDO(Customer Due Diligence) system

Main responsibilities:

What I did:



Knowledge management


Senior Programmer(backend)

Archkite Media
Jun 2019 ~ May 2020(11 months)

Responsible for Product: Online booking system like airbnb

Main responsibilities:



Knowledge management


Senior Programmer(backend)

香港商翱鶚股份有限公司台灣分公司(Cepave Inc.) Taipei City(R.O.C. Taiwan)
Dec 2015 ~ Mar 2018(2 years and 4 months)

Company Product: OWL(Distributed monitoring system for CDN)

What I did:

Worked on:

  1. Owl-Backend(OWL Core):
    • Languages: Golang, Bash
    • Databases: MySql
    • Frameworks/Libraries: Beego, Gin, Gentleman, Ginkgo
    • GoLang Tools: Vendor, Github CI, PEG(GoLang CC)
    • Other Tools: Maven, Liquibase, YAML, Docker
  2. Cassandra API Service(OWL subsystem):
    • Feature: data service of NQM(Network quality management)
    • Languages: Java
    • Databases: Cassandra
    • Frameworks/Libraries: SpringFramework(Core, Web MVC, Boot), jmockit, JUnit, TestNG, Java Bean Validation(JSR-380)
    • Other Tools: Maven, Liquibase, Docker
  3. New-Design of alert core(OWL subsystem)
    • Language: Java
    • Databases: PostgreSQL, Kafka
    • Queueing: Kafka
    • Frameworks/Libraries: SpringFramework(Core, Web MVC, Boot), jmockit, SLF4j(logback), JMX, TestNG, JUnit, Java Bean Validation(JSR-380)
    • Other Tools: Maven, Liquibase, Docker

Engineering for:

  1. Back-end design and architecture reforming.
  2. Database(RDB, Cassandra) design and performance evaluation
  3. Design and implementation for Web MVC framework

Improvements and Guiding:

  1. Plan and adopt conventions for RESTful API.
  2. Plan and adopt coding guidelines for automatic testing.
  3. Plan and adopt coding guidelines for automatic testing on stateful service/module.

Senior Programmer(backend)

博諾資訊(Bonopoints Inc.) Taipei City(R.O.C. Taiwan)
Mar 2014 ~ Jul 2015(1 year and 5 months)

Company Product: coupon/member management for small business(triggered by RFID)

What I did:

Worked on back-end system:

Engineering for:

  1. Back-end design and architecture reforming.
  2. Database(RDB) design and performance evaluation

Improvements and guiding:

  1. Plan and adopt conventions for RESTful API
  2. Plan and adopt coding guidelines for automatic testing(JUnit, TestNG)
  3. Plan and adopt coding guidelines for automatic testing on stateful program/module(JUnit, TestNG)

Senior Programmer(backend)

傳諦股份有限公司(FenzyTV Inc.). Taipei City(R.O.C. Taiwan)
Mar 2013 ~ Oct 2013(8 months)

Company Services: Community for TV Program

What I did:

  1. Back-end: Spring Framework(Core, Web MVC), JPA(JSR-317), StringTemplate, JAX-RS, Java Bean Validation(JSR-303), MySQL, Shiro
  2. Cloud Services: RDS, EC2

Improvements and enhancements:

  1. Plan and adopt on testing framework(JUnit, TestNG) and database evolution(Liquibase)
  2. Plan RESTful services(JSON) conventions and specifications

Senior Programmer(backend)

原點科技有限公司(Bluetang Ltd.) Taipei City(R.O.C. Taiwan)
Fab 2011 ~ Jul 2012(1 year and 6 months)

Company Services: Online schemaless-database service(like AWS SimpleDB)

What I did:

Worked on:

  1. Web site
    • Web Tech: FreeMarker, StringTemplate, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
    • Backend Tech: SpringFramework, JAX-RS, JPA(JSR-317), Java Bean Validation(JSR-303), Shiro
    • Data Warehousing/Mining: PostgreSQL, MySQL
    • Cloud Services: AWS(RDS, EC2)
  2. Android: Client module of advertisement service for mobile system


  1. Plan design disciplines of RDB data model


義美聯合電子商務股份有限公司(I-Mei Multimedia e-Content Production & Marketing Inc.) Taipei City(R.O.C. Taiwan)
Apr 2010 ~ Fab 2011(11 Months)

Company: P2P platform of E-Books

What I did:

Worked on:

  1. Web site
    1. Web Tech: SpringFramework(Web MVC), FreeMarker, StringTemplate, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
    2. Backend Tech: SpringFramework(Web MVC), Java Bean Validation(JSR-303), JPA(JSR-317), MySQL, PostgreSQL
  2. DRM integration
    1. By hacking approach(with HTTP client)
  3. Adopt well-defined design principals of RDB data model
  4. Plan coding convention by TDD(TestNG)


肯心資訊股份有限公司(Canthink Inc.) Taipei City(R.O.C. Taiwan)
Fab 2005 ~ Dec 2009(4 years and 11 months)

Company Product: E-Learning system

What I did:

Worked on:

  1. Core development: ASP(.Net), MS SQL Server
  2. Databases: MS SQL Server
  3. Web: HTML, JavaScript, CSS, IE-specific tech

Development of libraries/frameworks from scratch:

  1. Logging library
  2. ORM framework

Hit history

I also have some experiences on Perl and PHP programming languages.


龍華科技大學(Lunghwa University of Science and Technology)
資訊管理系(Department of Information Management)
1999 ~ 2003

Internship of Maintenance Department:

  1. Maintenance on computer hardware
  2. Network configuration and network maintenance


Following list are the closed down companies I had worked for.